Our School Day
8:55am - Our school day for Reception class to Year 6 begins (please see the Nursery class page for info). Children may come into class from 8.45 as they arrive. Each class will say the Morning Prayer in this time. On days without assemblies or hymn practice, collective worship takes place in the classroom.
10:45am - Breaktime until 11.00am, breaktime is supervised by staff on a rota basis. Unless it is raining or the weather is hazardous, i.e. snowy or icy, the children will be outside in the playground.
12:00pm - Lunchtime. Children are served meals in order of age, starting with the youngest. Once the children have finished their lunch they will then go outside to the playground. (If it is raining/snowing/icy the children will have playtime inside classrooms organised by midday supervisors).
1:00pm - A whistle is blown and Reception, Key Stage 1 & 2 children are collected by their teachers and taken to their classrooms.
2:30pm - Breaktime for Key Stage 1 until 2:45pm.
3:15pm - The end of the school day. The children will say the school prayer.
The school gates are open from 8:40am and 3:05pm for parents and carers to drop off and collect the children.
Breakfast Club - The front gate is open from 8:00am for those wishing to attend breakfast club. For safeguarding reasons children must be delivered to the door and signed in by an adult.
Whole school assemblies are held every Monday and Friday in the hall. Each assembly has a strong religious theme and features a meaningful message to guide the children in their school day and at home.
Assemblies on Friday celebrate the children and their achievements from the week, this is 'Good News'. We celebrate children's achievements especially those linked to our school Mission Statement
Throughout the school year we also have other special assemblies including class assemblies. We welcome all members of our school community to come and join in with such occasions.