Sacramental Programme
At Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, the children (in Year 3) are able to receive two Sacraments:
- The Sacrament of First Forgiveness
- The Sacrament of First Holy Communion
At Our Lady of Lourdes, we follow the ‘I Belong’ scheme of work which helps the children to prepare to receive the Sacraments. The children also have a special book which enables them to keep a record of their preparations.
The children enrolled on the Sacramental Programme make their First Forgiveness in March. This Sacramental celebration is an opportunity to renew their spiritual relationship with God and reflect on their relationship with others. The presence of the parents, families and school community at the celebration illustrates the support of the wider Catholic community for the young people.
On the day of their First Holy Communion, staff and familiy members lead the prayers so the children can focus solely on the importance of the actual occasion. Later in the term, we also have separate Masses in school and with the Parish at a Community Mass where the children are able to further celebrate their Sacramental journey with all members of 'Our Family'.